Leaderschip assessment

Combination Report

Provides insight into leadership competences, leadership roles, preferred styles, qualities and pitfalls. The assessment is used for both selecting leaders and contributing to their further development.

Goodleaders are not born – they are made

Building astrong, future-oriented organisation begins with choosing the right leaders.This complete leadership assessment allows you to discover hidden talents andprepare future leaders for their further growth. You can build the foundationfor success with in-depth insights into leadership competences, styles andpitfalls. 100% online, scientifically substantiated and demonstrably effective.

This is what makes the Leadership Assessment so powerful

  • Fully online, maximum insights
    No physicalmeetings required! Our online approach combines ease of use with scientifically proven validity. The result: fast and reliable insights without compromise.
  • Insight into what truly matters
    The assessment not only maps out a person's leadership styles and qualities, but also their pitfalls and their match with specific situations. It is ideal for both selection and development.
  • Comprehensivetest combination
    The combination goes beyond observable and measurable behaviour; it also shows what underlying factors control or influence that behaviour.
    These areessential insights for strategic functions. Three different tests result in a combined insight:

- clearinsight into personality traits, linked to leadership;

-understand what truly motivates and drives a person;

- measureleadership insight by analysing realistic scenarios.

  • Scientifically substantiated
  • Based on Bass & Avolio's Full Range Leadership Model, which combines transformational, transactional and laissez-faire styles. This lets you effectively match leadership to organisational goals.

From selection to growth

TheLeadership Assessment is a powerful tool for:

  • Selection processes: make data-driven choices, eliminate bias and gut feelings and chooseleaders who suit your organisation.
  • Developmentprogrammes: helps leaders further refine their qualities and avoid pitfalls.
  • Teamcoaching: create a dynamic and well-balanced leadership team.

Powerful combination of insight

CareerValues Survey (CVS)

Insight into motivation and engagement.

Workrelated Personality Survey (WPS)

What makes a candidate or employee successful in their work?

Situational Judgement Test

Discover the secret of successful leadership. Supported by science, proven in practice.

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Combination Report
Discover the secret of successful leadership. Supported by science, proven in practice.

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Combination Report
Makes leadership measurable and trainable.

Leaderschip assessment

Combination Report
Discover and develop strong leadership that will take organisations to the next level.

Situational Judgement Test

Combination Report
Discover the secret of successful leadership. Supported by science, proven in practice.