Provides insight into leadership competences, leadership roles, preferred styles, qualities and pitfalls. The assessment is used for both selecting leaders and contributing to their further development.
Goodleaders are not born – they are made
Building astrong, future-oriented organisation begins with choosing the right leaders.This complete leadership assessment allows you to discover hidden talents andprepare future leaders for their further growth. You can build the foundationfor success with in-depth insights into leadership competences, styles andpitfalls. 100% online, scientifically substantiated and demonstrably effective.
This is what makes the Leadership Assessment so powerful
- clearinsight into personality traits, linked to leadership;
-understand what truly motivates and drives a person;
- measureleadership insight by analysing realistic scenarios.
TheLeadership Assessment is a powerful tool for:
Science based, real connections. Get deep insights into personality traits, skills and brainpower for better conversations and the right decisions