Quinn management roles

Combination Report

Provides insight into a person's preference for management roles and how these roles relate to the goals in their current function. It is ideal for team and management issues.

Strongleaders, balanced teams

Effective leadership is about striking the balance between vision, collaboration and result orientation. Determining how effective a leader someone is or can be requires insight into their preferences, qualities and points of development. Quinn Management Roles offers exactly that: a detailed overview of how managers behave, what roles they naturally embrace and which roles are underdeveloped. This insight makes it possible to take effective steps to achieve better results,create stronger teams and build more successful organisations. Combine Quinn Management Roles with 360-degree feedback for a comprehensive and uniqueoverview of how a leader is perceived and where their growth opportunities lie.

Eight keys to success

Quinndefines eight essential management roles, each with their own unique qualitiesthat a leader needs to be effective. These roles are complementary andsometimes contradictory. A manager who understands these roles and utilisesthem effectively can tailor their leadership to the situation at hand and theorganisation's goals

With theinsight from Quinn Management Roles

  • Reinforce strengths, improve points of development
    A leader who understands what roles they naturally embrace can effectively work on their underdeveloped areas. This boosts their effectiveness and adaptability.  
  • Formstrategic teams
    With insight into the Quinn roles within a team, you can effectively balance andstrengthen your teams. What role is missing from the team? What qualities does a new colleague bring to the table? Essential insight for e.g. a new MT composition.
  • Link goals to actions
    Every organisation goal calls for specific qualities. As an organisation, are youl ooking to innovate, achieve more stability or boost your productivity?
    Tailor your strategy to your leaders withinsight into their management roles.

Quinn &360: valuable combination

You can double the strength of the Quinn survey by utilising it as an instrument for 360-degree feedback. This not only gives you insight into preferences, but also tells you how colleagues, employees and team members experience management roles.  

This combination of self-reflection and external perception makes Quinn ManagementRoles a unique and essential instrument for modern leadership.

  • Helps to identify blind spots.  
  • Shows where leaders can adapt their style to become more effective.  
  • A mirror that is immediately usable for growth.

Powerful combination of insight

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Quinn management roles

Combination Report
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