Workrelated Personality Survey (WPS)

Combination Report

In-depth insight into drivers and skills sheds light on your candidate or employee's chance of being successful in their job, their fit within the team and the organisational culture.

Work-Related Personality Survey (WPS) is an important indicator for job success, the fit within a team and the organisational culture. It provides insight into candidates’ personality, qualities and pitfalls. The WPS report provides insight into talents and room for growth and development: what skills areeasiest to develop and what is the best way to do so? The WPS is used for both talent selection and talent development issues.

Work-Related Personality Survey

  • Links personality traits to specific aspects of work-related behaviour.
  • Based onadaptive technology: a unique and personal survey.
  • Compact,descriptive and visually appealing report.
  • Link to competences;
  • Available in four variants: adaptive, normative, ipsative and compact.
  • COTAN certification.
"The assessments are quick to deploy and user-friendly, and the reports are easy to read. The tools are scientifically based, which was an important criterion for us."
Angelique van Leeuwen
Van der Burg Loopbaancoach

Powerful combination of insight

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Science based, real connections. Get deep insights into personality traits, skills and brainpower for better conversations and the right decisions

Compare & Select

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A smarter, faster and more objective way to select the best candidate.

Skills assessment

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Pure and unfiltered insight into talent.

Job suggestions

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Instantly receive suggestions for jobs and functions that match an employee's profile.


Combination Report
Discover performance challenges, lack of motivation and reduced job satisfaction.