Employability Scan

Combination Report

Gain insight into how you can ensure that your employees stay healthy and enjoy their work – today and in the future. This scan lets employees discover their energy givers and takers and how they experience added value in their own work.

What is the Employability Scan?

The Employability Scan identifies employees’ physical and mental health, motivation, engagement and development potential. The insights from the scan help you take the right steps in a timely manner by conducting interviews, making action plans and implementing specific interventions. The scan can be used for individual employees, but it is alsohighly suited to teams or large groups in order to offer targeted and effective interventions.

Applicationand benefits

A clear report gives you instant insight into your employees’ passion, personal flexibility, working ability and balance. The report also contain suitable tips that you can use to effectively work with employees on their ongoing development. An overview of the benefits:

  • Absenteeism prevention
  • Saves costs and boosts productivity.
  • Better working conditions
    Think ofe.g. adjustments to working times, work environment or workload, which leads togreater job satisfaction and less turnover.
  • Personaldevelopment
    The scan offers employees insight into their own strengths, pitfalls and points of development. This motivates them to invest in their training, career development or health, which in turn contributes to their long-term deployability.
  • Strengthening the working relationship
    By offering your employees an Employability Scan, you show that you care about their wellbeing and development. This will boost your employees’ engagement and loyalty.
  • Reducecosts, boost productivity
    Sustainably deployable employees are more productive, call in sick less often and stay with the organisation for longer. This leads to lower costs for absenteeism, recruitment and replacement.
  • Strategicplanning
    More and better insight into the deployability of their staff helps an organisation make better strategic decisions, e.g. with regard to training, talent development and succession planning.

Powerful combination of insight

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