UWV WerkBedrijf is part of the UWV, an independent governing body that is accountable to the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment. Nearly 1.2 million Dutch people depend on the UWV for their income. UWV WerkBedrijf offers job seekers and people with a distance from the labor market a perspective by mediating in finding work and providing benefits.
UWV WerkBedrijf announced through a tender process that there was a need for online psychometric tests to help job seekers. These included personality questionnaires, interest questionnaires, work value questionnaires and capacity tests. Given the diversity of job seekers, the instruments had to vary in level, decrease, duration and difficulty of language use. In addition to offering tests and their implementation, the assignment includes providing services in the form of training and instruction to advisors, including the necessary teaching materials.
Ixly implemented the People Platform with online assessments: the Work-Related Personality Questionnaire, Career Values (Motivation) Questionnaires, Interest Questionnaires and Job Suggestions. The latter is an interactive dashboard where you can see which roles and functions suit a candidate's competencies, skills and interests. The assessments are offered via the intuitive platform, where the UWV advisors themselves invite candidates and can monitor the progress of completing assessments. Once candidates have completed the questionnaire, they receive a notification, they can download the reports.; To ensure that the UWV WerkBedrijf advisors can make effective use of the assessments, Ixly offers a test interpretation training twice a month. This training is offered as a webinar and is part of the UWV WerkBedrijf e-Learning module. In addition, Ixly has developed video tutorials to further guide the advisors.
Ixly's assessments are widely used by the UWV WerkBedrijf. Every year, between 10,000 and 15,000 assessments are deployed. Ixly's assessments contribute to the guidance and mediation of people out of work in the Netherlands. They make it easier to find a job that matches someone's personality, interests, and motivation. This reduces the chance of losing a job in the future.